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  1. 黃宜正, 第五章, “工具機進給軸系統設計” , 工具機系統設計分析, 五南圖書, pp.189-207, 2014/12.

  2.  Jenan Juang, Yi-Cheng Huang, Editor, Includes 120 papers in Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Dec. 2012.

  3. 馮榮豐, 黃宜正, “微奈米定位平台之系統動力與控制”, 飛統自動化實業有限公司, 2009/8.

  4. 黃宜正, 第三章 “壓電致動精準運動平臺之系統設計與控制”,奈微米工程技術— 精密製程與量測技術, pp149-246, 馮榮豐教授主編, 滄海書局, 2002/3.

  5. Yi-Cheng Huang, “Improved Precision Control Using Stable and Unstable Learning/Repetitive Controllers,” Feb. 1996, Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University (TX 4-385-037). (博士論文)

  6. Yi-Cheng Huang, “The Linear Stability of Spiral Poiseuille Flow in a Vertical Annual with Radical Heating, “ ;同心圓柱具有內管旋轉之混合熱對流的穩定性分析, Master Thesis, National Central University, June, 1990. (碩士論文)

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